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Subject: Name, Address, Demographics, SSN, drivers license, date of birth, primary image, etc.
Physical: Complete physical description, including sex, race, height, weight, ethnic origin, build, hair color, hair style, eye color, facial hair, teeth, handicaps, etc.
Miscellaneous: Areas frequented, basis for caution, crime specialty, city and country of birth, occupation, school, marital status, spouse name, etc.
ID Information: FBI number, SID number, user defined numbers, fingerprint class, comments, etc.
Images: Displays and captures an unlimited number of images for a subject, including mugshots, body scars, marks, tattoos and others.
- Built-in support for scanner image capture or any TWAIN compliant device.
- Build-in support for video image capture
- Accepts existing images from Mug Shot Systems or Digital Cameras
- Builds photo-arrays on demand
Attachments: Associated documents that contain supporting details. Attachments can be any file, .including PDF, DOC, XLS, etc.
Gang: Primary and secondary gang, member status, status review date, association criteria, and membership comments.
Scars, Marks, Tattoos: The location and description of scars, marks, and tattoos. Uses code tables to standardize data-entry.
Registrant: Sex, narcotics, arson or other offender type registration.
Addresses: Address type, building number, street, direction, street type, city, state, and zip code. Stores an unlimited number of address for each subject. Addresses are shared across subjects.
Associates: Associate type, last name, first name, middle name and date of birth. Stores an unlimited number of subject associates. The system automatically cross-links a subject and an associate. Subjects involved in a field investigation are linked as associates of each other.
Key Words (AKA, Alias, Moniker): Key word and key word type. Stores an unlimited number of key words. Key words are shared across subjects.
Telephone Numbers: Telephone number, type, owner last name, owner first name. Stores an unlimited number of telephone numbers. Full or partial numbers can be entered and searched.
Vehicles: Vehicle year, make, model, color, style, VIN, owner name and address. Stores an unlimited number of vehicles.
Weapons: Serial number, caliber/gauge, manufacturer, model, country of origin, etc.
Cases: Associated cases, Suspect Cases, Defendant Cases, Informants, Associated Evidence, Associated Expenditures, Associated Field Events, Associated Forfeitures. Links between a subject and other information in other modules.
Inmate: Inmate Location, Inmate Mail Log, Inmate Visitor Log, Inmate Account, Inmate Separation Log
Review (Status): Review type, review date, next review date, and notes.
Contacts: Date, time address, agency, agent, reason and comments for a contact with the subject.
Crime Types: Crime type, date and comments. Tracks crimes a subject is known to commit or be associated with..
Imaging Tabpage
Contacts Tabpage