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Field Event








Code Table


RISS Export








Reports:  Each module comes with a multitude of pre-defined reports. Anything entered into the system can be printed out on any laser printer, including images.etc.

Sample Reports:

Defendant Cases by Agent

Drugs Bought by City

Drugs Seized by Agent

Expenditures by Agent

Forfeiture Financial Summary

Gang Member Counts by Race

Inventory by Agent

Seizure Financial Summary


GRIP Report List

Agent Informant List A listing of informants, grouped by agent.
Ages of Gang Members by Gang A listing of gangs and the number of members by age.
All Evidence Seized A listing of all evidence seized between the following dates.
All Expenditures A listing of all expenditures made between the following dates.
Arrest Class Summary A listing of counts by arrest class.
Case Export An export of cases with subjects.
Case Occurances by Date A listing of cases occurring by date.
Cases Assigned by Agent A listing of cases assigned to agents, for cases assigned between the following dates.
Cases Assigned by Agent with Primary Subjects A listing of cases assigned to agents, with primary subjects, for cases assigned between the following dates.
Cases by Address A listing of cases by address, for cases occurring between the following dates.
Cases by Area A listing of cases grouped by area, opened between the following dates.
Cases by District A listing of cases grouped by district, opened between the following dates.
Cases by Lab Type A listing of lab cases by agent, for cases opened between the following dates.
Cases by Primary and Secondary Grouping A listing of cases by primary and secondary grouping, for cases occuring between the following dates.
Cases By Primary Grouping With All Subjects A listing of cases and subjects by primary grouping, for cases occuring between the following dates.
Cases Closed by Date A listing of cases closed by date, for cases closed between the following dates.
Cases Closed by Date with Primary Subjects A listing of cases closed by date, with primary subjects, for cases closed between the following dates.
Cases Closed by Sentence Length A count of defendant cases closed by sentence length, for cases closed between the following dates.
Cases Opened by Date A listing of cases opened by date, for cases opened between the following dates.
Cases Opened by Date with Primary Subjects A listing of cases opened by date, with primary subjects, for cases opened between the following dates.
Cases with a Lab Type by Agent A listing of cases, grouped by lab type, for cases opened between the following dates.
Cases with a Lab Type by Primary/Secondary Grouping A listing of lab cases by primary and secondary grouping, for cases opened between the following dates.
Cases Without a Primary Subject A listing of cases without a primary subject, for cases opened between the following dates.
Daily Detainee Population Report An list of defendants by Unit / Cell.
Daily Detainee Population Report by Subject Name An list of defendants by Unit / Cell ordered by Subject Name.
Defendant Arrest Summary by NIBRS offense A listing of defendants arrested between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrest Summary by State offense A listing of defendants arrested between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Arrest Summary for a Case A listing of arrest charges for the following subject and case.
Defendant Arrests by Area with NIBRS offenses A listing of defendants arrested by area, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by Area with State offenses A listing of defendants arrested by area, between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by City with NIBRS offenses A listing of defendants arrested by city, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by City with State offenses A listing of defendants arrested by city, between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by District with NIBRS offenses A listing of defendants arrested by district, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by District with State offenses A listing of defendants arrested by district, between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by Group with NIBRS offenses A list of defendants arrested by primary and secondary grouping, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by Group with State offenses A list of defendants arrested by primary and secondary grouping, between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by Primary Agent with NIBRS offenses A listing of defendants arrested, grouped by agent, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses.
Defendant Arrests by Primary Agent with State offenses A listing of defendants arrested, grouped by agent, between the following dates, with State Offenses.
Defendant Case List A listing of defendant cases opened between the following dates.
Defendant Case List by Status A listing of defendant cases by status, opened between the following dates.
Defendant Cases by Agent A listing of defendant cases assigned to an agent, for defendant cases opened between the following dates.
Defendant Cases Closed by Closing Type A count of defendant cases closed by closing type, for cases closed between the following dates.
Defendant Convictions A listing of defendant convictions, closed between the following dates, ordered by primary officer.
Defendant Fugitive List A listing of fugitive warrants for defendant warrants issued between the following dates.
Defendant Warrant Disposition A listing of warrant dispositions for cases with date arrested between the following dates.
Defendant's For A Case A listing of all suspects for a case.
Dispositions by Arrest Class A summary of case dispositions grouped by class, for defendant cases closed between the following dates.
Drug Seizures A listing of drugs seized between the following dates.
Drug Seizures by Agent A listing of drug seizures by agent, seized between the following dates.
Drug Seizures by Agent with Primary Subjects A listing of drug seizures by agent, with primary subjects, seized between the following dates.
Drug Seizures by City A listing of drug seizures by city, seized between the following dates.
Drugs Bought by City A listing of drugs bought between the following dates, grouped by city.
Employee Name List A listing of all current, active employees.
Evidence by Case # A listing of all evidence for a case, seized between the following dates.
Evidence Without a Primary Subject A listing of evidence without a primary subject, for seized between the following dates.
Expenditure Currency Serial Number Search A listing of expenditures with the currency serial number entered, between the following dates.
Expenditure Summary by Expenditure Source Total expenditures by expenditure source.
Expenditures by Agent A listing of expenditures, grouped by agent, bought between the following dates.
Expenditures by Area A listing of expenditures grouped by area, bought between the following dates.
Expenditures by Case # A listing of expenditures grouped by case number, bought between the following dates.
Expenditures by City A listing of expenditures grouped by city, bought between the following dates.
Expenditures by District A listing of expenditures grouped by district, bought between the following dates.
Expenditures by Drug A listing of expenditures, grouped by drug.
Expenditures by Drug with Fund Source Detail A listing of expenditures, grouped by drug with fund source detail.
Expenditures by Informant A summary of expenditures, grouped by informant, for drug or other expenditures made between the following dates.
Field Investigation Details with NIBRS Offenses A detail list of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with NIBRS offenses.
Field Investigation Details with State Offenses A detail list of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with state offenses.
Field Investigation Record A field investigation record for the following FI Number.
Field Investigation Summary with NIBRS Offenses A summary of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with NIBRS offenses.
Field Investigation Summary with State Offenses A summary of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with state offenses.
Financial Accounting by Agent A listing of accouting transactions by agent.
Financial Accounting Current Balance by Agent A listing of accouting balances by agent.
Forfeiture Financial Summary A financial summary of evidence forfeited by type, for evidence forfeited between the following dates.
Forfeiture Financial Summary with Primary Subjects A financial summary of evidence forfeited by type, with primary subjects, for evidence forfeited between the following dates.
Forfeiture Reconciliation Summary with Primary Subjects A forfeiture summary by primary grouping of forfeited and outstanding amounts.
Forfeitures Summary A listing of all items forfeited between the following dates.
Gang Member Status Review Report A listing of gang members whose status is due to be reviewed within the next 90 days.
Gang Name List A listing of all gang names.
Gang Name List by Area A listing of gang members by gang and area.
Gang Name List by District A listing of gang members by gang and district.
Informant Name List A listing of informant names, for informants entered between the following dates.
Informants by City A listing of informants, grouped by city.
Inventory List A listing of all inventory items which have a blank disposal date.
Inventory List by Agent A listing of inventory items issued by agent.
Inventory List by Classification A listingof inventory items by classification.
Inventory Returned by Agent A listing of inventory items returned by agent(s), between the dates entered.
Names of Adult Gang Members by Gang A listing names of adult gang members.
Names of Gang Members by Gang A listing of names of all gang members.
Names of Gang Members by Gang with Key Words A listing of names of gang members with key words.
Names of Gang Members by Subject Status A listing of gang members by subject status.
Names of Juvenile Gang Members by Gang A listing names of juvenile gang members.
Number of Gang Members by Gang A listing of gangs and the number of adult and juvenile members.
Search Warrant Summary A summary of items seized on a search warrant, for items seized between the following dates.
Search Warrant Summary by Agent A summary of items seized on a search warrant, grouped by agent, for items seized between the following dates.
Search Warrant Summary by Primary and Secondary Grouping A summary of items seized on a search warrant, grouped primary and secondary grouping, for items seized between the following dates.
Security Resource Tags A listing of security resource tags.
Security Resources Assigned to Roles A listing of security resources assigned to roles.
Security Roles A listing of security roles.
Security Users A listing of security users.
Security Users Assigned to Roles A listing of security users assigned to roles.
Seizure Financial Summary A financial summary of evidence seized by type, for evidence seized between the following dates.
Seizure Financial Summary with Primary Subjects A financial summary of evidence seized by type, with primary subjects, for evidence seized between the following dates.
Subject List by City A listing of all subjects, grouped by city.
Subject List by Gang A listing of gang members with their gang status and membership criteria.
Subject List by Key Word A list of subjects, sorted by their key words.
Subject List with Key Words A listing of subjects with all of their key words.
Subject List Without Informants A listing of subjects, excluding any who are informants, for subjects entered between the following dates.
Subject Purge List by Date Entered A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was entered.
Subject Purge List by Date Last Modified A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was last modified.
Subject Purge List by Date Last Viewed A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was last viewed.
Subject Review List A listing of subjects with the next review date between the entered dates.
Supect Cases by Agent A listing of suspect cases assigned to an agent, for suspect cases opened between the following dates.
Suspect Case List A listing of suspect cases opened between the following dates.
Suspect Case List by Status A lising of suspect cases by status, opened between the following dates.
Suspect's for a Case A listing of all suspects for a case.
Vehicles Seized A listing of all vehicles seized between the following dates.