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Reports: Each module comes with a multitude of pre-defined reports. Anything entered into the system can be printed out on any laser printer, including images.etc.
Sample Reports:
GRIP Report List
Agent Informant List | A listing of informants, grouped by agent. |
Ages of Gang Members by Gang | A listing of gangs and the number of members by age. |
All Evidence Seized | A listing of all evidence seized between the following dates. |
All Expenditures | A listing of all expenditures made between the following dates. |
Arrest Class Summary | A listing of counts by arrest class. |
Case Export | An export of cases with subjects. |
Case Occurances by Date | A listing of cases occurring by date. |
Cases Assigned by Agent | A listing of cases assigned to agents, for cases assigned between the following dates. |
Cases Assigned by Agent with Primary Subjects | A listing of cases assigned to agents, with primary subjects, for cases assigned between the following dates. |
Cases by Address | A listing of cases by address, for cases occurring between the following dates. |
Cases by Area | A listing of cases grouped by area, opened between the following dates. |
Cases by District | A listing of cases grouped by district, opened between the following dates. |
Cases by Lab Type | A listing of lab cases by agent, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Cases by Primary and Secondary Grouping | A listing of cases by primary and secondary grouping, for cases occuring between the following dates. |
Cases By Primary Grouping With All Subjects | A listing of cases and subjects by primary grouping, for cases occuring between the following dates. |
Cases Closed by Date | A listing of cases closed by date, for cases closed between the following dates. |
Cases Closed by Date with Primary Subjects | A listing of cases closed by date, with primary subjects, for cases closed between the following dates. |
Cases Closed by Sentence Length | A count of defendant cases closed by sentence length, for cases closed between the following dates. |
Cases Opened by Date | A listing of cases opened by date, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Cases Opened by Date with Primary Subjects | A listing of cases opened by date, with primary subjects, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Cases with a Lab Type by Agent | A listing of cases, grouped by lab type, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Cases with a Lab Type by Primary/Secondary Grouping | A listing of lab cases by primary and secondary grouping, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Cases Without a Primary Subject | A listing of cases without a primary subject, for cases opened between the following dates. |
Daily Detainee Population Report | An list of defendants by Unit / Cell. |
Daily Detainee Population Report by Subject Name | An list of defendants by Unit / Cell ordered by Subject Name. |
Defendant Arrest Summary by NIBRS offense | A listing of defendants arrested between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrest Summary by State offense | A listing of defendants arrested between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Arrest Summary for a Case | A listing of arrest charges for the following subject and case. |
Defendant Arrests by Area with NIBRS offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by area, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by Area with State offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by area, between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by City with NIBRS offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by city, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by City with State offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by city, between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by District with NIBRS offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by district, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by District with State offenses | A listing of defendants arrested by district, between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by Group with NIBRS offenses | A list of defendants arrested by primary and secondary grouping, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by Group with State offenses | A list of defendants arrested by primary and secondary grouping, between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by Primary Agent with NIBRS offenses | A listing of defendants arrested, grouped by agent, between the following dates, with NIBRS Offenses. |
Defendant Arrests by Primary Agent with State offenses | A listing of defendants arrested, grouped by agent, between the following dates, with State Offenses. |
Defendant Case List | A listing of defendant cases opened between the following dates. |
Defendant Case List by Status | A listing of defendant cases by status, opened between the following dates. |
Defendant Cases by Agent | A listing of defendant cases assigned to an agent, for defendant cases opened between the following dates. |
Defendant Cases Closed by Closing Type | A count of defendant cases closed by closing type, for cases closed between the following dates. |
Defendant Convictions | A listing of defendant convictions, closed between the following dates, ordered by primary officer. |
Defendant Fugitive List | A listing of fugitive warrants for defendant warrants issued between the following dates. |
Defendant Warrant Disposition | A listing of warrant dispositions for cases with date arrested between the following dates. |
Defendant's For A Case | A listing of all suspects for a case. |
Dispositions by Arrest Class | A summary of case dispositions grouped by class, for defendant cases closed between the following dates. |
Drug Seizures | A listing of drugs seized between the following dates. |
Drug Seizures by Agent | A listing of drug seizures by agent, seized between the following dates. |
Drug Seizures by Agent with Primary Subjects | A listing of drug seizures by agent, with primary subjects, seized between the following dates. |
Drug Seizures by City | A listing of drug seizures by city, seized between the following dates. |
Drugs Bought by City | A listing of drugs bought between the following dates, grouped by city. |
Employee Name List | A listing of all current, active employees. |
Evidence by Case # | A listing of all evidence for a case, seized between the following dates. |
Evidence Without a Primary Subject | A listing of evidence without a primary subject, for seized between the following dates. |
Expenditure Currency Serial Number Search | A listing of expenditures with the currency serial number entered, between the following dates. |
Expenditure Summary by Expenditure Source | Total expenditures by expenditure source. |
Expenditures by Agent | A listing of expenditures, grouped by agent, bought between the following dates. |
Expenditures by Area | A listing of expenditures grouped by area, bought between the following dates. |
Expenditures by Case # | A listing of expenditures grouped by case number, bought between the following dates. |
Expenditures by City | A listing of expenditures grouped by city, bought between the following dates. |
Expenditures by District | A listing of expenditures grouped by district, bought between the following dates. |
Expenditures by Drug | A listing of expenditures, grouped by drug. |
Expenditures by Drug with Fund Source Detail | A listing of expenditures, grouped by drug with fund source detail. |
Expenditures by Informant | A summary of expenditures, grouped by informant, for drug or other expenditures made between the following dates. |
Field Investigation Details with NIBRS Offenses | A detail list of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with NIBRS offenses. |
Field Investigation Details with State Offenses | A detail list of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with state offenses. |
Field Investigation Record | A field investigation record for the following FI Number. |
Field Investigation Summary with NIBRS Offenses | A summary of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with NIBRS offenses. |
Field Investigation Summary with State Offenses | A summary of field investigations occuring between the folowowing dates, with state offenses. |
Financial Accounting by Agent | A listing of accouting transactions by agent. |
Financial Accounting Current Balance by Agent | A listing of accouting balances by agent. |
Forfeiture Financial Summary | A financial summary of evidence forfeited by type, for evidence forfeited between the following dates. |
Forfeiture Financial Summary with Primary Subjects | A financial summary of evidence forfeited by type, with primary subjects, for evidence forfeited between the following dates. |
Forfeiture Reconciliation Summary with Primary Subjects | A forfeiture summary by primary grouping of forfeited and outstanding amounts. |
Forfeitures Summary | A listing of all items forfeited between the following dates. |
Gang Member Status Review Report | A listing of gang members whose status is due to be reviewed within the next 90 days. |
Gang Name List | A listing of all gang names. |
Gang Name List by Area | A listing of gang members by gang and area. |
Gang Name List by District | A listing of gang members by gang and district. |
Informant Name List | A listing of informant names, for informants entered between the following dates. |
Informants by City | A listing of informants, grouped by city. |
Inventory List | A listing of all inventory items which have a blank disposal date. |
Inventory List by Agent | A listing of inventory items issued by agent. |
Inventory List by Classification | A listingof inventory items by classification. |
Inventory Returned by Agent | A listing of inventory items returned by agent(s), between the dates entered. |
Names of Adult Gang Members by Gang | A listing names of adult gang members. |
Names of Gang Members by Gang | A listing of names of all gang members. |
Names of Gang Members by Gang with Key Words | A listing of names of gang members with key words. |
Names of Gang Members by Subject Status | A listing of gang members by subject status. |
Names of Juvenile Gang Members by Gang | A listing names of juvenile gang members. |
Number of Gang Members by Gang | A listing of gangs and the number of adult and juvenile members. |
Search Warrant Summary | A summary of items seized on a search warrant, for items seized between the following dates. |
Search Warrant Summary by Agent | A summary of items seized on a search warrant, grouped by agent, for items seized between the following dates. |
Search Warrant Summary by Primary and Secondary Grouping | A summary of items seized on a search warrant, grouped primary and secondary grouping, for items seized between the following dates. |
Security Resource Tags | A listing of security resource tags. |
Security Resources Assigned to Roles | A listing of security resources assigned to roles. |
Security Roles | A listing of security roles. |
Security Users | A listing of security users. |
Security Users Assigned to Roles | A listing of security users assigned to roles. |
Seizure Financial Summary | A financial summary of evidence seized by type, for evidence seized between the following dates. |
Seizure Financial Summary with Primary Subjects | A financial summary of evidence seized by type, with primary subjects, for evidence seized between the following dates. |
Subject List by City | A listing of all subjects, grouped by city. |
Subject List by Gang | A listing of gang members with their gang status and membership criteria. |
Subject List by Key Word | A list of subjects, sorted by their key words. |
Subject List with Key Words | A listing of subjects with all of their key words. |
Subject List Without Informants | A listing of subjects, excluding any who are informants, for subjects entered between the following dates. |
Subject Purge List by Date Entered | A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was entered. |
Subject Purge List by Date Last Modified | A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was last modified. |
Subject Purge List by Date Last Viewed | A list of subject whose purge review date falls within the entered, based on the date the record was last viewed. |
Subject Review List | A listing of subjects with the next review date between the entered dates. |
Supect Cases by Agent | A listing of suspect cases assigned to an agent, for suspect cases opened between the following dates. |
Suspect Case List | A listing of suspect cases opened between the following dates. |
Suspect Case List by Status | A lising of suspect cases by status, opened between the following dates. |
Suspect's for a Case | A listing of all suspects for a case. |
Vehicles Seized | A listing of all vehicles seized between the following dates. |